Sep with me on The Modern .NET Show

On July 11th, 2023 I was a guest on The Modern .NET Show and had a great time talking to Jamie Taylor (twitter, fediverse) about Sep (the world’s fastest .NET CSV library) and in particular performance and optimizations. The podcast has just been released and you can listen to it and read the show notes I made below. Please consider subscribing to the podcast and supporting it and follow the link below.

06E07 - From Atari to Sep: Unleashing the Power of Performance in Programming

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Show Notes

Below are edited notes I made before the recording of the podcast.

Questions and Topics

  • Could you please introduce yourself to the listeners?
    • CTO at a small industrial AI/computer vision company.
    • Programming professionally for about 20 years. About 15 years .NET/C#.
    • Started out as a kid on an Atari console, where if you wanted to play a game you had to type in a program from an accompanying book.
    • Masters degree in computer engineering with a specialty in computer vision and graphics.
    • Very passionate about performance and mechanical sympathy.
  • So what’s Sep? It’s a CSV parser right?
    • Sep is a modern but minimal library for reading and writing CSV/separated values.
    • Meant as a replacement for an internal +10 year old library I’ve also written that we use at work for our machine learning pipelines.
    • Based on an idea of using the new Generic Math/static abstract interface features in .NET/C#. In particular ISpanParsable<T> and ISpanFormattable for parsing or formatting numbers or similar to/from a span of characters.
    • It’s an exploration of a different API for working with CSV files that is targeted at the machine learning use cases we have at work. Not meant as a general CSV library like CsvHelper, hence it has a different perhaps minimal feature set compared to that.
    • Use cases at work are for CSV files we have full control over and are well-formed.
    • Since I did this in my spare time I wanted to have fun though and hence got hooked on optimizing Sep to be as fast as possible. Utilizing the latest and greatest features in .NET/C#.
  • But not just a CSV parser, but the fastest, right? How did you measure that?
    • Right, so fastest is of course a relative measure. It requires context. Comparison.
    • I measured that (in part) using an existing benchmark (NCsvPerf) made by Joel Verhagen. Joel works on NuGet for Microsoft, so the benchmark relates to reading information on nuget package assets, their names, ids, versions and similar.
    • Great thing about this is it compares about 35 different libraries and approaches.
    • So I basically took that benchmark and replicated it in the Sep git repo, but focusing on comparing it to just 3 other approaches.
      • A simple read line, split approach.
      • CsvHelper - since most widely used (158M downloads!) and no doubt the broadest feature set. By Josh Close.
      • Sylvan.Data.Csv
        • or Sylvan - since shown to be the fastest in NCsvPerf. By Mark Pflug.
    • Based on that Sep 0.1.0 is (was) about 1.2x faster than Sylvan and 2.8x than CsvHelper. For this specific benchmark. This is at the “top level”, at the low level of just parsing CSV and enumerating columns, Sep is (was) about 16x faster than CsvHelper.
    • Disclaimer: Every CSV library has its own feature set. Every use case is different. For example, Sep supports common line endings supported by .NET, that is \r (MacOS), \r\n (Windows), \n (Linux, new MacOS), while some only support \r\n, \n. Every library is different.
  • Did you just async all the things?
    • There is no async/await in Sep currently, that is not currently supported. async/await is more about scaling related to IO operations and perhaps multi-threading. All the benchmarks and optimizations relate to single threaded performance or efficiency.
  • Span<T>?
    • Span is an integral part of both the API and the performance, since this means one can avoid repeated allocations. The “package assets” benchmark contains a lot of repeated strings, so to optimize that string pooling is applied. I borrowed this approach from Sylvan, but then optimized. So in fact for this benchmark a large part of the edge of Sep is not related to the actual parsing of the separated values, but how those values are then turned into strings. (optimizing, simple GetHashCode)
  • SIMD? Vectorization?
    • This is the fun part! Vectorization is at the very core of why Sep is blazing fast at the very lowest level of parsing separated values. That is, at finding the special characters like comma (,), carriage return (\r), line feed (\n) and quote (").
    • Instead of finding these 1 character at a time, we can use SIMD (single instruction multiple data) to look at multiple characters at a time. Several existing libraries already do that like Sylvan.
    • char in .NET is 16-bits. Using a 128-bit register means we can look at 8 chars at a time, like with x86 SSE. Using a 256-bit register we can look at 16 chars at a time.
    • For Sep I realized that given that all special characters have values less than 255 (8-bit), we can pack the chars as bytes using PackUnsignedSaturate so we can look at twice as many chars at a time. 32 at a time using AVX, for example.
    • So basically, Sep loads two vectors of 16 chars, then packs them to a single register of 32 bytes, with any char having a value above 255 “saturated” to 255. Then compares this register to the 4 special characters also loaded into SIMD registers. This creates a byte mask of where the special chars are. This can be converted to a bit mask using a special instruction (e.g. movemask on x86), which we can then scan using another special instruction lzcnt (leading zero count). Alexander Mutel (xoofx) just published a blog post discussing code similar to this if people want to get a more in depth idea of how this works.
    • For Sep I then implemented this not only for x86 but using “generic” vectorization, which is a great feature of .NET, so the vectorization also works on ARM for example. This meant coming up with another way than using PackUnsignedSaturate as there is not yet a NarrowSaturated.
    • Mark Pflug has now adopted the PackUnsignedSaturate and AVX approach for Sylvan to get a significant speedup which has meant Sylvan would be marginally faster than Sep at the very lowest level of parsing and enumerating rows. This, of course, has meant that I had to improve Sep, so I’ve rewritten some of the internals of Sep so it is now about 25% than before! I hope to release that soon in a 0.2.0 release. Sep now hits about 10 GB/s for parsing only on the package assets benchmark. Hence, both Sylvan and Sep are now faster! Win-win!
  • You used the preview bits of .NET 6 initially, right?
    • Yes, I started prototyping the API based on initial preview bits. This was before any notion of the library being called Sep or trying to be the fastest or anything. I wanted to try out the ISpanParsable, ISpanFormattable interfaces. During that I encountered a couple of bugs, so trying out previews can have its challenges.
  • Is Sep just fast, or is it fully featured too?
    • Sep has a different feature set than other CSV libraries that I know of. It definitely lacks some features that some might expect from a CSV library, for example escaping/unescaping quotes. But on the other hand there are some unique features and optimizations in Sep like being able to easily select and parse multiple columns at a time without repeated allocations. Caching named column access by order of access for quick look ups. Those are features I try to feature in the “floats”-benchmark I designed myself, that better fits the use case Sep was built for. “Package assets” really isn’t what Sep was designed for. I just couldn’t stop optimizing for it! 😅
  • Any recommended tools?
    • Visual Studio Profiler is a great starting point. It’s my go to tool for finding where time is spent (CPU usage). Or how many and where allocations occur (.NET Object Allocation Tracking).
    • BenchmarkDotNet for benchmarking.
    • Disasmo for inspecting assembly to look for potential code changes to improve performance at the very lowest level. Developed by Egor Bogatov who works on .NET JIT Compiler.
  • What would you recommend developers do if they want to make their code faster? Measure, measure, measure or just start hacking away?
    • Measure! Depending on context;
      • Measure
      • Isolate
      • Measure
      • Optimize
      • 🔁
    • Don’t count lines! Priorities are:
      • 📖 Readable
      • ✅ Correct
      • 🔍 Debuggable
      • 🚀 Performant
      • 🤏 As succinct as possible without changing above
    • Low line count is not the primary goal (unless you are code golfing of course).
    • In many cases writing decently performant code can be done from the start with very little extra effort (<5%). Unfortunately, many developers are too focused on counting lines, instead of writing “good code”. For example, instead of writing a for/foreach loop using values.ToList().ForEach(i => Do) (BAD ❌). Line count is not a primary metric and writing for/foreach takes zero extra time.
    • That is probably easy for me to say, given that it’s very easy for me to spot these things when looking at code, which can both be a blessing and a curse, as I almost always see a whole set of “red” flags when looking at code. It’s like an essay you get back from a teacher at school with red notes all over 😅

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